Wednesday, June 2, 2010

53 Questions for every Couple!

  1. How often do you think married couple should have sex
  2. What sex acts do you find offensive
  3. How people have you had sex with in your lifetime?
  4. How do you feel about abortion?
  5. Would you want to abort a baby that was physically or mentally disable?
  6. What are you religious views and how realistically do you follow them?
  7. What are your views on domestic violence and have you had any issues with it?
  8. How many relationships have you had in the past and why did they not work out?
  9. What do you think are legitimate reasons for Divorce?
  10. How well do you understand Finances?
  11. How do you define success?
  12. What defines cheating in a relationship
  13. How important are the views of outsiders in a marriage?
  14. What you like to spend money on?
  15. What are your political views
  16. How do you feel about race relations?
  17. How do feel about Homosexuality
  18. Have you ever had same sex relations?
  19. What are your pet peeves?
  20. How do you define Happiness?
  21. What makes you happy
  22. Do you think that monogamy is realistic?
  23. How do you deal with anger?
  24. How well do you communicate and how important is communication to you?
  25. How do you feel about lying?
  26. What are you views on immigration?
  27. How do you feel about friends of the opposite sex
  28. How important is home ownership to you?
  29. Have you ever been in love?
  30. What is love to you
  31. What is your relationship like with your parents and other family members
  32. How do you deal with disappointment?
  33. How do you feel about public displays of affection?
  34. What issues or areas of your life are private?
  35. How do you feel about discussing relationship issues with others?
  36. Do you want or have children
  37. Are you now or have you ever been married
  38. What does family mean to you?
  39. How important is the size or cost of a wedding ring to you?
  40. How do you feel about diamonds
  41. How important is physical appearance?
  42. What in popular culture do you find offensive?
  43. How do you feel about people who have different religious or political views?
  44. How do you feel about step-children
  45. What is your relationship like with your ex?
  46. Do you want to be married?
  47. What is your past and present relationship with drugs/alcohol
  48. Do you think pregnancy should be a reason for marriage
  49. What kind of relationship do/did your parents have?
  50. Do you believe in a God or a higher power?
  51. What STDs have you had?
  52. Are you currently in any other relationships?
  53. Have you ever been tested for HIV?